Pro-Forma Buyer/Investor Analysis

Before you decide on whether to sell, recapitalize, conduct a generational transition of your privately-held mid-cap company, or investigate a management buyout . . .


 . . . this 30-day no obligation analysis by CMG of your company's operations and finances provides you with a written report outlining how an Investor or Buyer will view your company



Step 1: Request a consultation and we'll schedule one or more no-obligation conversations about your personal and corporate objectives.

Step 2: We are highly selective and based on our initial discussions, we will decide if we should proceed further.

Step 3: If we do proceed, CMG will conduct a no-obligation, thorough and completely confidential analysis of your company that will be in the same format as preliminarily used by Buyers & Investors.

Step 4: You will receive a thorough, honest, candid and complete review of your company and its possibilities.  This report will show how Buyers & Investors will view your company.  It will also contain our recommendations as to your company's strength & weaknesses.

Step 5: You will receive our findings presented to you in a written report and, together, we will both decide if we will or will not continue with the assignment and why.

request a free consultation

With over 40+ years of experience, Capital Markets Group Inc. knows everthing there is to know about Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, and Private Equity Banking.
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